#2 Flight Kit


The more a 2 gravitates toward the personality of an 8, the worse off they will be. The more they gravitate to a type 4, the better off emotionally they will be and thus primed to become their “best 2 self.”

Type Two Guide

The Helper Angel Caring and empathetic, you personify an angel’s deep desire to help others. You seek to build strong relationships and provide support to others, and are driven to create harmony and connection in the world.

Type Four Guide

The Individualist Angel Highly creative and introspective, you more than any other angel value authenticity and the freedom to express yourself. You are forever striving to find your unique identity and purpose, often through art or enterprise, and are driven by your longing and melancholy to create beauty and meaning in a world of conformity.

Type Eight Guide

The Warrior Angel

Highly confident and assertive, you value power and control. You seek to establish a sense of strength and authority, and will stand up for yourself and others when necessary, bringing justice and fairness to the world.

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