Meet Your Good, Bad, and Better Angels
Once you’ve taken your Angelogic® Quiz, you will receive your Angelogic® Key linked to one of nine Angelogic® Guides.
Each guide introduces you to your specific Good, Bad and Better Angels, your so-called “wings,” relationship dynamics, and even the diabolical forces out to disintegrate your soul in Doomsday Angel: Discord, Angelogic®’s gamified social platform and augmented reality experience.
Industry prices for personality profiles average $19.95. But under the terms of our global settlement, you can purchase your Angelogic® Guide for only $6.95. You can also mix and match other guides to dive deeper into your associated and adjacent angels.
With Angelogic® Academy’s mystical insights and transformative power, you’ll be amazed at how quickly your life will shift.
Type One
Type Two
Type Three
Type Four
Type Five
Type Six
Type Seven
Type Eight
Type Nine